World-Class Website for Time Machine – Noida’s Biggest Pub


Time-Machine, an esteemed pub nestled within the Gardens Galleria Mall in Noida, sought to bolster its online presence by facilitating seamless bookings and reservations. Rankenhance Brand Promotions, a leading digital marketing agency, collaborated with Noida’s Biggest Pub to develop an advanced website capable of enhancing customer experience through streamlined online reservation functionalities.

Client Overview

Time-Machine, renowned for its vibrant ambiance and curated events, identified the need to modernize its digital interface. Acknowledging the absence of a robust online platform for reservations and bookings, the management partnered with Rankenhance Brand Promotions to revamp its website.

Challenges Addressed for Time Machine

  1. Outdated Online Interface: Time-Machine’s existing website lacked the functionality to facilitate online reservations and bookings, leading to missed revenue opportunities.
  2. Customer Engagement Hurdles: The absence of an interactive platform hindered customer engagement and accessibility, impacting the overall clientele.
  3. Competitor Advancements: Rival pubs in the vicinity boasted superior online booking systems, placing Time-Machine at a competitive disadvantage.

Strategic Approach by Rankenhance Brand Promotions

  1. Thorough Consultative Approach: Rankenhance initiated comprehensive discussions with the management to grasp their brand ethos, target audience, and specific requisites for the website.
  2. Tailored Website Development: Utilizing cutting-edge technology and industry best practices, Rankenhance crafted a visually appealing, user-centric website for Time-Machine. The site prioritized mobile responsiveness and intuitive navigation.
  3. Integration of Booking Functionality: Rankenhance implemented a secure and user-friendly online booking system, enabling patrons to effortlessly reserve tables, purchase event tickets, and make inquiries, thereby enhancing overall customer convenience.
  4. Amplifying Online Visibility: While SEO services were not within the scope, Rankenhance advised Time-Machine on basic optimization techniques and best practices to improve search engine visibility. Additionally, the agency initiated social media integration and curated digital marketing strategies to augment Time-Machine’s online presence.

Implementation and Achievements

  1. Enhanced User Experience: The revamped website provided a seamless interface, allowing patrons to explore upcoming events, peruse menus, and easily make reservations.
  2. Surge in Bookings: The incorporation of the online booking system led to a notable increase in bookings and reservations, resulting in a tangible upsurge in revenue streams for Time-Machine.
  3. Elevated Brand Perception: The modernized digital presence positioned Time-Machine as a contemporary and customer-centric establishment, contributing positively to its brand perception.
  4. Competitive Edge: Time-Machine gained a competitive edge by offering a sophisticated online platform, surpassing the offerings of its local competitors.


Rankenhance Brand Promotions successfully transformed Time-Machine’s digital presence by revamping its website to facilitate seamless online reservations and bookings. While not directly implementing SEO services, the collaboration significantly improved customer engagement, convenience, and revenue generation, reinforcing Time-Machine’s standing as Noida’s premier pub within the Gardens Galleria Mall.

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